Wednesday 31 March 2021

how Tokelau made solar energy


Today for T-shade literacy I did a DLO of how Tokelau got solar energy I explain 
how it happens and how it works we had to read a book about it hope you enjoy it. 

Tuesday 30 March 2021

Persuasive writing

 Persuasive writing

 Dear Council

My name is Keil and I think we should make a shooting range in Greymouth because it will show people how to use a gun properly and safely. 

If we had a shooting range it would be good to show us how to hold it and how it shoots. It can also teach us about how a gun kicks back.

The shooting range will help more people get into shooting which will give them something to do. A shooting range would be good for hand and eye coordination.

In conclusion Greymouth needs a shooting range to give something to do and teach gun safety.

From Keil

Today we have done Persuasive writing and I write about a shooting range I am writing to the Council it is good to have one because it helps your eye and hand conclusion it toke me ages so I hope you enjoy it.


Thursday 18 March 2021

Compare and Contrast


Today we did T-shaped literacy, my class had to do this and this is what I did. I liked it because it was fun to talk about solar. the one thing I did not like about it was that I got stuck. 

Wednesday 10 March 2021

Master Word of the Week


Today my class did spelling my spelling group did the word of the Week l liked that I get to learn a new word and it will help me get smarter. but I did not like it because we had to do it in a dictionary.

Friday 5 March 2021

Pool of knowledge


Today I am doing a reflection on the pool of knowledge. A pool of knowledge is just heaps of facts and stuff about energy. I found the activity okay because I learned about energy more. 

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