Friday 24 April 2020

DEAW / The bank robbery attempt

The bank robbery

One day there was a group of people that wanted to rob a bank.
They wanted to be rich as they were jealous of a man named Jimbo because he
was really rich and he always went past in his Lamborghini and revved it up.
So one day they decided to come together and they made a plan to rob a bank
so they went and did it and this is what happened. One of them went in and
went up to the accountant and pulled a gun out and got the accountant to tell him
where the vault was. Then the rest of the group came in and laser cut a circle
into the vault.
Meanwhile, someone had rung the cops. So the cops were on their
way but the robbers didn’t know. The robbers were grabbing all the money and
putting it into bags.
But then one of them in the group pulled out his gun and shot the rest of the
robbers and tried to take all the money for himself.
Once he got out the back door the police were waiting for him. They tased him
and when he dropped to the ground they arrested him.
All the money was returned to the back.

Today for homework I did a story about a bank robbery. I called it the bank robbery attempt.


  1. Great story Keil! You have put a lot of work into this. What was your inspiration for the story? I liked the twist how one of the robbers was really selfish but still got caught in the end.

    1. That happen's in a lot of movies and I thought it would be good to write about.

  2. Hi Keil, That was quite an interesting short story. I liked the twist when one robber double crossed the others. You put a lot of time and thought into this story. Well done. Sharron


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